Monthly Archives: May 2014

In a Nutshell : The points don’t matter.


Starting back in April, around Good Friday, major events began unfolding at the Place place. Important life decisions had to be made as well as powering through the daily small stuff. As you parents know when you sign the imaginary parenting contract you are signing up to be the chief decision maker of the home until your little birdies fly the coop. (or until they mature just enough to make their own choices under your roof which you are still responsible for in the long run) Anyway, parenting is an evolution. I know this because I have toddlers, elementary age, preteen, teenagers, and one young adult. It doesn’t get easier but by the time our toddlers are young adults, I’m certain we will have parented successfully through every scenario! 

Easter weekend equaled a trip to Oklahoma on Saturday to pick up our daughter who attends/resides at a Christian Academy, scheduling volunteers for a weekend full of church services, making arrangements for the children staying home to perform in the Easter services on Saturday night (kudos to Amy Payne for handling the homestead for me), preparing an ungodly amount of potato salad and deviled eggs, baking fun little bunny butt cookies for our family get together, coloring eggs with the littles, picking out Easter attire for every family member, and remembering to purposely place Jesus at the center. Piece of cake. Family time was a success! Egg hunt was phenomenal! Church was spectacular. And my kids, eventual, answered the question, “what is Easter all about?” with Jesus before candy! [1 Point to Mom] 




The week following was fantastic. Our daughter, Kaitlynne, was home and all was well with my soul. I miss her. I miss her just being here for the daily stuff. Her quietness as she eats her morning cereal half asleep! Her giggle (even though at times it’s a bit much). The way she is the other half of my scatter brained self and can complete my to do list when I forget. [she gets 2 points for that] I just miss her. So, knowing this was a long holiday visit was bittersweet. We had decisions to make for her. No, with her. Has her past year been successful? Have we dealt with the issues that led us to Cookson Hills school? Has she come far enough to return home? Were we able to move forward together, in the same home – as a family unit the way it supposed to be? Needless to say, a lot was weighing on our minds as parents that week. 


Kaitlynne and Mom Cookson Hills 2014

Our other daughter, who is a junior, required a little come to Jesus restart session. You know, the times when being 17 gets rough and you just lose your “umph” for life? Yah, she had that going on. We had a refocus meeting and reminded her that she had great plans and that the school year was just about over. Next year was Senior year! It was almost over. Hang in there. Don’t lose motivation. Keep your goals in sight. Focus on the positive, and all those other things parents sign up for when they agree to be their child’s biggest cheerleader.  She got back on track quickly. [1point for Dannah] So that happened… moving on.


We didn’t spend Easter with two of our kids ( although it was our turn) because my understanding husband agreed to switch weekends with their mom due to our daughter participating in their church’s Easter drama. He’s always putting our kids first. [1point to Dad] I missed them too! And Heaven, why didn’t you and Casey make it out to Nanny’s? [you have a -1 point for that] We, Kaitylnne and I, got to pick Kamerron and Kylie up on Tuesday from school so that was good. Tuesday morning started in a rush. Places to be and things to do started with my two year old getting a surprise visit to the health department for an immunization that was overlooked by his doctor but caught by the state inspector at daycare. His doctor could not fit him at this time but he could not continue going to preschool/daycare until he got the shot. Go figure. So off we went. Many minutes later and after waiting on the current shot record to be faxed per request of the health department (since my request by phone was unacceptable to the doctor’s office) and only after Ses tried to get her own drink from the sanitary NASTY water fountain, at the health department no less, but soaked her shirt instead, we were holding down the hesitant toddler while a stranger poked a needle into his legs. Yeah! Great start to our day. But, our to do list was long and appointments had to be kept. Back to Republic, into daycare, speed through the drive-thru for a less than healthy breakfast and on the road to Joplin. Oh, I had to get my hair did! Mission: Grow Out Hair came to end that day and why not add some blonde?! Kait got a quick trim, too. Visiting with my baby sis is always refreshing. I miss that, too! Schedules though… The hair was PERFECT! Thanks lil Sis! [your points are off the chart] Ok, in the van, proceed to drive through number 2 for lunch and headed to Reeds Spring. It was a silent trip as Kait decided she needed a little nap. I had some God time – while listening to classic rock. Yes, God can speak to you while you listen to good music! He likes it too, I think. 


BEFORE                                                                                   THANK GOD for short hair     

I didn’t wait in the parent pick up line. I had to hurry. Gracie had gymnastics at 4:30 and if I ran in to the office at both buildings I could skip the line and beat the busses! Great plan for a busy mom. On the road again – (for those of you old enough to remember, you just sang a little song didn’t you?) Gracie was only 3 minutes late this time; better than last week. I ran back into daycare and grabbed the crazy toddlers so we could rush home and eat dinner before picking up Gracie. Steven was in charge of dinner that night… so we had pizza. That was perfect. No mess and minimal clean up.[points times infinity to my hubby]

Somewhere in the string of events I attended the second women’s conference that my church hosted. Embrace your FEAR. It was, again, outstanding. If I had to sum it up it would be with the song If You Wanna Steal My Show by Toby Mac. We invited God, stepped out of the way and He stole the show. He did what He does best and lives were changed. I have a new hero to add to my list. Mrs. Jennifer Smith, I admire you and what you allow God to do through you. My two 17 year old daughters got to go this year. They loved it. I loved it for them! And Tosha Blansit, your visions of greatness amaze me. I wish my sisters, nieces, mom, aunts, and my oldest daughter could’ve gone. I missed them as I sat there praising God for being such an important part of all of our lives as a family. I thought a lot about my grandmas that have passed away and how their faith seemed fearless. I miss them – tremendously. 


EMBRACE your fear

Exhaustion began to set in the afternoon of the conference. But…. my husband planned a bonfire! We LOVE having people over. It’s when we are most in our element. The night was refreshing. Kids playing, teenagers (doing what they do.. I don’t really know) adults resting in the company of other adults. We could relax, put our guards down. Be real. But wait, 12 of you want to spend the night here? Why not? SLEEP OVER at the Place’s. [Steven and I deserve 50 points a piece and all you parents owe us! Kidding, sort of] Sunday morning was a drag-your-sleepy-but-outta-bed  kind of morning. But we all went to church… in shifts… and some walked…. and some rode bikes. Teenagers are fun, I guess. 🙂 I don’t miss being a teenager at all. 



A big day was ahead of us on Monday. Kait made her first “adult” life plan decision and decided she will be coming home June 7th! I’m glad. I miss her. God is in control here. I know that. No plan is fool proof but we have made some wonderful progress and with Him and honesty we will continue to guide our child along the right path. And if when she messes up, we will press on with forgiveness and a new understanding of working together. Right, Kait? That makes me happy to say she’s coming home. Home. Here. With us. 

I had a BIG day in court regarding 3 of my children. There is no plan yet. But we’ve made progress in the right direction. They’ve come a long way. A LONG way. I’m proud of them. I commend them for having to enter into such an adult-like mind set to make healthy choices and set boundaries in their lives. I hate it for them all the same though. I had hoped for their sake, that things could’ve been different, but God is in control of this too.[the points are no longer relevant any more] They are His children and He will make all things work together for their good. 

The sun is shining and Spring is finally here! Thus started Tball. Jayse and Ses are playing. Well, Jayse is playing and Ses is on a team. We’ll see how that works out. Two more things to add to the Place Family Schedule. Along with 8th grade graduation for 2 kids, end of the year musical programs for 3 others, One Fine Night art exhibit (good job Gracie), an upcoming Women’s conference at my childhood home church (thank you CCC for the opportunity to share) and Summer Youth Camp in June/July. Oh- and Ses and Bishop turn 3 & 4 in June so a typical backyard birthday party will be planned! (clear your schedules for that, they’re a BLAST) Wow, it was only a couple days ago that my soon-to-be 18 year old was turning 4 and several little princesses came in full attire to celebrate her royal day and play in her mom-made cardboard castle. I miss that little girl. 


Ses (almost 4yrs) 2014 First year of Tball

In a nutshell, life is happening fast. Too fast it seems. Don’t miss it and quit keeping track of points.